Parenting Assessment

Our assessment will help you understand your strengths and areas for improvement as a parent.

How to use this assessment:

Our assessments are designed to empower you on your journey of self-discovery and growth. You have the flexibility to use these assessments in a way that best suits your needs and preferences.

Option 1: Self-Assessment

You can complete the assessments on your own and use the results as a personal guide to understand your strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps on your journey. The power to change and grow lies within you, and these assessments can be a valuable tool to help you on your way.

Option 2: Share Your Results

If you would like a high-level summary interpretation of your results and guidance on the next steps of your journey, you have the option to share your results with me. As a certified coach, I can provide you with insights and recommendations to help you move forward with confidence and purpose.

How this Assessment Works:

The assessment scale ranges from 1 to 10, with each number representing a different level of satisfaction or effectiveness in a particular area of your life. To use the scale, simply rate each area of your life.

Be honest with yourself and remember this assessment is a tool for self-assessment and growth, this not a test that you need to pass.

Scaling Options:

1: Very Dissatisfied/Ineffective: This score indicates that you are extremely unhappy or ineffective in this area of your life. There is a significant room for improvement.

2-3: Dissatisfied/Ineffective: You are not satisfied with this area of your life and recognize the need for change and growth.

4-5: Somewhat Satisfied/Effective: You are somewhat satisfied with this area of your life, but there is still room for improvement.

6-7: Satisfied/Effective: You are satisfied with this area of your life and are functioning effectively, but there may be opportunities for further growth and development.

8-9: Very Satisfied/Very Effective: You are very satisfied with this area of your life and are functioning very effectively. There may be minor areas for improvement.

10: Extremely Satisfied/Extremely Effective: You are extremely satisfied with this area of your life and are functioning at your highest level of effectiveness.

Let’s work together.

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!