About Eric Moore
About Eric Moore *
I'm the guy who tells tech companies their marketing sounds like everyone else's.
Then I help them fix it.
Here's the thing: I've lived in the corporate marketing trenches. Spent years at places like Microsoft, Amazon, and Accenture writing the same generic crap everyone else was writing. You know the stuff - "innovative solutions" this, "digital transformation" that. Soul-crushing corporate speak.
Then one day, it hit me.
I was sitting in a meeting where we spent three hours debating whether to use "empower" or "enable" in a tagline. Three. Fucking. Hours. That's when I realized: we weren't writing for humans anymore. We were writing for committees.
And committees don't buy shit.
So I started telling the truth:
Your sales team hates your messaging
Your marketing sounds like everyone else's
You're wasting money on words nobody believes
Your customers can't tell you apart from competitors
Turns out, companies were desperate for someone to call bullshit on their marketing. Someone who'd show them exactly how many of their competitors were using the same words. Someone who'd help them say something real.
Now I help tech companies transform their marketing from corporate word soup into language that actually means something. I perform marketing autopsies, showing companies exactly where their messaging died and how to bring it back to life.
Some people hate it. That's fine. I'm not for everyone.
I'm for companies who are:
Tired of sounding like everyone else
Ready to say something real
Willing to make some people uncomfortable
Done with marketing bullshit
If that's you, let's talk.
If not, keep writing about your "innovative solutions." I'm sure the 47th time's the charm.
Want proof I know what I'm talking about? I've helped companies generate millions in revenue by simply talking like human beings. But more importantly, I've helped them stop wasting money on marketing nobody remembers.
Life's too short for shitty marketing. Let's fix yours.
There’s no need to waste time. Drop me a note and let’s get started.